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An upcoming independent horror flick....Playful, Phantasmal, Psychotic...

Welcome to the official 'Scrawl' website, read about our short film 'Motto', set within the world of 'Scrawl' and check out the stills from the upcoming feature film.


​Above one of the Indiegogo pitch videos, we reached our target!!!!



January 28th 2013

Sad Scrawl news today, the actor Derek Jones, who portrayed ‘The Caretaker’ in ‘Motto’ and the upcoming feature ‘Scrawl’ died today of cancer, he was 80.

A gentle giant of a man, with quick humour and an ease in front of the camera; he was a joy to work with and brought a physical appearance to the mysterious Caretaker character that spoke volumes.  He was adored by all that came into contact with him, and was a loving grandfather to his granddaughter, Annabelle Le Gresley (Annie in Scrawl/Producer of Scrawl), who brought him to the attention of the production company. We were honoured to have him as part of the company.

He is survived by his wife Heather, his children and grandchildren.

The whole team send our condolences to his family, and promise one thing - he will live on in our hearts and of course, in ‘Scrawl’.


April 2013

Filming is done (bar the screaming) and the edit is well and truly underway.  Music is being composed and 'Scrawl' is coming...

Watch this space


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